Build yourself a really cool lap steel guitar with these detailed, professionally drawn plans.
Plans show complete details drawn full scale (1:1). Complete materials list and sources, wiring details for volume and
tone controls, fretboard dimensions and much more. The Photos below show a lap steel guitar built from these exact plans.
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Construction Photos of guitar built from these plans. You can build this guitar from a variety of
woods. The example below is white maple. A 3/4" thick planed board, 72" long x 8" was used. The board was cut in half to
get two 36"x8"x3/4" pieces. These pieces where glued together to get an 1 1/2" body block. The outline of the guitar
was printed on 8 1/2"x11" paper and taped together. The paper template was traced on the body blank and cut out with
a band saw. (You could use a jig saw instead). The headstock/peghead with "thinned" and angle to 3 degrees and 1/2"thick
on the band saw. (You could use other saws, planes and chisels to get the peghead shape). The cavities for the electronics
and picukp where cut with a forstner bit and a dremel tool.
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This lap steel guitar features a solid white maple body, rosewood fretboard with low steel frets,
custom made polymer clay position markers. Brazilian rosewood peghead veneer and trim plates.
Standard lap steel 22 1/2" scale with 2" ebony nut.Kent Armstrong #MP-112K single coil pickup.
Telecaster style, fully adjustable bridge. 500k volume and tone pots and standard 1/4" input jack.
Grover 18:1 "Sta-tite" tuners. Set up with Morell JMLS-G strings
(016, .018, .026N, .040N, .050N, .058N). Excellent tone!
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Plans are provided in a PDF document that is drawn 1:1 scale for printing on 24"x36" media. To get
a full-size print of the construction plan you will need to take the PDF to a Quick Print business who can print
documents on an ink jet printer that can take 24"x36" media. However, you can also print "sections" of the plan on a smaller
printer and tape together for cutting templates as needed.
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